By 2030: A Survival Story
“By 2030” is a compelling, somewhat optimistic post-apocalyptic novel about a near future world after the devastating consequences a combined collapse of the climate and society, called the Great Collapse, which has reshaped human existence. Grounded in the aftermath of current societal and environmental issues, and set against the backdrop of a stark, but plausible reality, we follow resilient survivors rebuilding communities, coping with loss, and finding hope in their common bonds. Protagonist Annie shares her knowledge of medicinal plants with other survivors after the health industry becomes a casualty of the Great Collapse. Her relationship with Sir Maxwell, a feline survivor, adds a touch of warmth and humanity as she adapts to her new work/home pod, rarely leaving her space due to safety concerns. Annie’s journey from isolation to finding new purpose is inspiring and hopeful. Co-protagonist Andy lives a strikingly different life among people who opted out of living in the pods during the Big Sort and are rebuilding communities in periphery areas. Left to their own devices, Andy and others living outside the pod sector are determined to build a better future, free from the control of a plutocratic police state.
“By 2030” is a provocative call to action for the urgent and critical need to engage in community dialogues about the future we are creating and to begin planning for the possibilities of what may come after the imminent Great Collapse.